Friday, January 10, 2014

swimming pool maintenance steps and procedures

         Mantaing  a  swimming  pool  can  seem  like  a  constant  battle  but  its  not  as  hard  as  you  think.
I  myself  personaly  believe  and  know  for  a  fact  that  this  can  be  done.  The  key  to  a  crystal  clear  swimming  pool  is  regular  matanace  and  chemistry  in  which  both  are  very  important  and  crucial.  It  is  very  important  to  test  your  water  on  a  weekly  basis  therefore  I  would recommend  purchaseing  a  good  and  reliable  5-way  test  kit  which  will  test  for  free  and  active  chlorine  and  also  (combined  chlorine  which  you  don't  want  any  of  in  your  pool)  it will  also  test  for  P.H.,  Acid  demand,  and  total  Alkalinity. 

         You  may  also  purchase  a  Taylor  test  which  will  test  for  more  things  but  the  taylor test  kits  are  a  little  more  advanced  and  may  not  suit  a  regular  homeowner's  or  pool  owner's need. There  are  also  test  strips  available  which  are  a  little  more  expensive  and  usually  not  as  accurate  as  regular  test  kits  on  the  currently  market.    

      Always  put  safety  first  and  be  sure  that  all  chemicals  are  kept  out  of  reach  of children,  pets,  animals,  etc,  and  please  remember  about  95%  of  all  pool  chemicals are  extremely  toxic  and  may  be  fatal  if  swallowed.  Some  of  these  chemicals  include: chlorine  tablets,  Muriatic  acid,  liquid  chlorine,  dry  acid,  calcium  hypochlorite,  sodium bromide,  algaecides,  shock,  etc                                       
                                        Here  are  some  maintenance  tips  and  procedures 

1. Check  water  level  should  be  at  least  one  and  a  half  inches  above  skimmer  opening  if  low fill  pool  to  proper  water  level  immediately  to  prevent  the  pump  from  cavitating  and overheating  (even  though  the  pump  motor  is  equipped  with  a fan  which  is  affective  but  the water  does  most  of  the  cooling.)  
2.   Skim surface of pool.
3.  skim bottom of pool. 
4.  vacuum pool when needed.
5. brush pool tile line, walls, steps, floor. (brush toward main drain)
6. (same applies to spa if you own one) 
7. (empty cleaner canister or bag if you own one) 
8.   empty skimmer basket.
9. empty pump basket always remember to fill the strainer pot with water first to help prime the pump  
   (also never forget to relieve the air from the system by opening the air relief valve found on top of the filter tank and close when water shoots out.)
10.  test all chemical levels such as: chlorine, PH, total alkalinity, acid demand, combined chlorine.
11. add  all necessary chemicals to pool
12. ensure all equipment is in proper running order. 

please feel free to post a comment (which i will approve before it is posted.)
   you may also email me with any questions, concerns or recommendations on future blog topics

                                                    taylor test kit 

Here is a 4 in 1 test which i use on a regular basis (this is not a 5 in 1 test kit)

my grandams swimming pool which i take of.  (sorry i am not good about taking pictures)  



this is a case of muriatic acid  commonly used to lower the P.H. in swimming pools. (Handle with extreme caution do not touch, breath or walk through fumes for any reason at all.) may be fatal if swallowed.

                                     (above) muriatic acid burns  

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